政府扶貧委員會剛於2015年12月公佈了「退休保障 前路共建」諮詢文件,展開為期6個月的諮詢。為了促進公眾人士及機構對退休保障議題及諮詢文件的理解,並鼓勵服務使用者關注退保,社聯現推出「退休保障全城傾」計劃,並且提供不同資料以供使用,歡迎下載
The Government’s Commission on Poverty had released the “Retirement Protection Forging Ahead” consultation document on 22nd December 2015 & commenced the 6-month consultation period. To enhance public and agencies’ understanding on the subject of retirement protection and on the consultation, and also encourage service users to give views, HKCSS shall launch the project “Talk about Pension” and provide information for you. Please download the following materials